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This indicator provides an estimate of the percentage of 12-year-olds who have received one valid dose of the quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4) as part of Ontario’s school-based vaccination program delivered in grade 7, at the conclusion of the school year (August 31st). Valid doses refer to doses of measles-containing vaccine that were given in accordance with the following criteria: 

First valid dose administered on or after the first birthday and received on the same day or at least 28 days after any preceding live virus vaccine. Second valid dose administered at least 28 days after any preceding measles-containing vaccine (or any other live virus vaccine).

A higher percentage is better.

Other, Outcome, Population Health, Prevention / Screening, Effective, Timely, MOHLTC, Digital Health Immunization Repository
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This indicator measures the percentage of 7-year-olds who have received two valid doses of measles-containing vaccine or have documented evidence of immunity against measles at the conclusion of the school year (August 31st). Valid doses refer to doses of measles-containing vaccine that were given in accordance with the following criteria:

First valid dose administered on or after the first birthday and received on the same day or at least 28 days after any preceding live virus vaccine. Second valid dose administered at least 28 days after any preceding measles-containing vaccine (or any other live virus vaccine).

A higher percentage is better

Other, Outcome, Population Health, Prevention / Screening, Effective, Timely, MOHLTC, Digital Health Immunization Repository
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This indicators reports on the rate of foreign bodies (such as sponges and instruments) that were left behind in patients after surgery per 100,000 discharges
Acute Care/Hospital, Outcome, Patient Safety and Never Events, Safe, Discharge Abstract Database (DAD)
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This indicator measures the percentage of primary care doctors who reported that their job as a primary care doctor was "extremely" or "very" stressful. A lower percentage is better.
Primary Care, Outcome, Other, Safe, Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey
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This indicator measures the percentage of primary care doctors who reported that they were “slightly” or “not at all” satisfied with their daily workload. A lower percentage is better.
Primary Care, Outcome, Other, Safe, Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey
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