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Percent of patients (residents) receiving complex continuing care with a newly occurring stage 2 or higher pressure ulcer in the last three months.
Acute Care/Hospital, Outcome, Patient Safety and Never Events, Effective, Continuing Care Reporting System (CCRS)
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This indicator reports the percentage of Ontarians aged 12 to 64 who report having prescription medication insurance.
Primary Care, Balancing, Health expenditure, Equitable, Patient-centred, Canadian Community Heath Survey (CCHS)
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This indicator measures the premature death rate per 100,000 peoplewhich can be measured as total mortality (all causes of death combined) or by selected cause of death. Premature is defined in Canada as deaths before 75 years of age. A lower rate is better. 
Other, Outcome, Population Health, Effective, Vital Statistics, Birth and Death Databases
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Number of ED visits for modified list of ambulatory care-sensitive conditions per 100 long-term care residents.
Long Term Care, Process, Aging, Other, Efficient, Continuing Care Reporting System (CCRS), National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS)
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This indicator measures the potential years of life lost prematurely, per 100,000 people. Premature is defined in Canada as deaths before 75 years of age. A lower rate is better.
Other, Outcome, Population Health, Effective, Vital Statistics, Birth and Death Databases
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