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Percentage of screen eligible patients aged 52 to 74 years who had a FOBT/FIT within the past two years, other investigations (i.e., flexible sigmoidoscopy) or colonoscopy within the past 10 years.
Other, Process, Prevention / Screening, Effective, CIHI (Canadian Institute of Health Information), Ontario Cancer Registry (OCR), Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) Claims History Database, Registered Persons Database (RPDB), Same-day Surgery Database (SDS)
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This indicator measures the percentage of Long-term care residents who had at least one antibiotic dispensed in the reporting period.
Long Term Care, Process, Drugs/Drug Administration, Effective, Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB), Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) Claims History Database
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This indicator measures the percentage of primary care doctors who reported that they were “slightly” or “not at all” satisfied with their daily workload. A lower percentage is better.
Primary Care, Outcome, Other, Safe, Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey
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This indicator measures the percentage of primary care doctors who reported that their job as a primary care doctor was "extremely" or "very" stressful. A lower percentage is better.
Primary Care, Outcome, Other, Safe, Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey
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This indicator measures the percentage of people 18 and older who report a time during the past 12 months when they skipped dental care or dental checkups because of the cost. A lower percentage is better.
Other, Outcome, Access, Effective, Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey
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