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This indicator measures the number of licensed physicians across Canada per 100,000 people. It includes family doctors and specialists. 
Other, Structure, Health Human Resources, Efficient, Scott’s Medical Database, Statistics Canada population estimates
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This indicator measures the number of licensed physicians practising in Ontario per 100,000 people. It includes family doctors and specialists.
Other, Structure, Health Human Resources, Efficient, Ontario Ministry of Finance population projections, OPHRDC Physicians in Ontario report, Statistics Canada population estimates
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This indicator measures the number of lost-time injury claims per 100 full-time equivalent workers in the health care sector per year. A lower rate is better.
Acute Care/Hospital, Long Term Care, Other, Outcome, Health Human Resources, Safe, By the Numbers: WSIB Statistical Report (Schedule 1)
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This indicator measures the number of nurses who reported at least one employment position in nursing in Ontario per 100,000 people. It includes registered nurses, nurse practitioners and registered practical nurses working full-time, part-time and casual hours.
Other, Structure, Health Human Resources, Efficient, College of Nurses of Ontario Membership Statistics report, Ontario Ministry of Finance population projections, Statistics Canada population estimates
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This indicator measures the number of nurses that submit an active practising registration for employment in Canada to their provincial or territorial regulatory authority per 100,000 people. It includes registered nurses, nurse practitioners and licensed practical nurses (registered practical nurses) working full-time, part-time and casual hours.
Other, Structure, Health Human Resources, Efficient, Health Workforce Database, Statistics Canada population estimates
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