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This indicator measures the percentage of people aged 16 and older who reported that they reviewed or discussed the prescription medication(s) they are using with their primary care provider (i.e. a family doctor, a general practitioner or a nurse practitioner).
Primary Care, Process, Patient Safety and Never Events, Patient-centred, Safe, Health Care Experience Survey (HCES)
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Average MDSHSI (a generic, preferencebased measure of health-related quality of
life) among long-stay home care clients >65 years of age
Ontario Health Team, Outcome, Aging, Patient-centred, InterRAI Quality of Life Survey, OHTAM (Ontario Health Teams Attribution Model), Registered Persons Database (RPDB)
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This rate represents the incidence rate of nosocomial MRSA infection associated with the reporting facility per 1,000 inpatient days. A lower rate is associated with better performance.
Acute Care/Hospital, Outcome, Patient Safety and Never Events, Safe, Self-Reporting Initiative (SRI)
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This rate represents the incidence rate of nosocomial VRE infection associated with the reporting facility per 1,000 inpatient days. A lower rate is associated with better performance
Acute Care/Hospital, Outcome, Patient Safety and Never Events, Safe, Self-Reporting Initiative (SRI)
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This indicator measures the rate of prescriptions for opioids filled for people who have not filled a prescription for opioids in six months, per 10,000 population.
Pharmacy, Outcome, Drugs/Drug Administration, Effective, Narcotics Monitoring System (NMS)
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