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This indicator measures the percentage of Ontario screen-eligible women, 21-69 years old, who completed at least one Pap test in 42-month period.
Primary Care, Outcome, Prevention / Screening, Equitable, Ontario Cancer Registry (OCR), Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) Claims History Database, PCCF+ version 5k6A, Registered Persons Database (RPDB)
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This indicator measures the percentage of patients, diagnosed with a healable diabetic foot ulcer, whose ulcer closed within 12 weeks.

Home Care, Outcome, Other, Effective, Local data collection
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This indicator measures the percentage of patients/clients identified with multiple conditions and complex needs (Health Link criteria) who are offered access to Health Links approach.

The complex patient target population should:
• Overlap substantially with high cost users, recognizing that not all high cost users are high needs patients (and vice versa);
• Include patients with high needs and/or complex conditions; and,
• Include patients with four or more chronic/high cost conditions, including a focus on individuals living with mental health and addictions, palliative patients, and the frail elderly.
However, recognizing nuances exist across communities, LHINs and Health Links are encouraged to adapt the patient identification criteria to their local context and population needs.

Acute Care/Hospital, Home Care, Primary Care, Process, Coordinated Care Plans, Effective, Local data collection
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Percentage of home care clients who experienced an unplanned readmission to hospital within 30 days of discharge from hospital.
Home Care, Outcome, Readmission, Effective, Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), Home Care Database (HCD), National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS)
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This indicator measures the percentage of patients with diabetes, aged 40 or over, with two or more glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) tests within the past 12 months.
Primary Care, Outcome, Prevention / Screening, Equitable, Ontario Diabetes Database (ODD), Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) Claims History Database, Registered Persons Database (RPDB)
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