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This indicator measures the percentage of home care patients who received their first nursing visit within 5 days of the patient available date (PAD).
Home Care, Process, Wait Times, Timely, Client Health and Related Information System (CHRIS), Home Care Database (HCD)
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This indicator measures the average number of inpatients receiving care in unconventional spaces or ER stretchers per day within a given time period.
Acute Care/Hospital, Process, Wait Times, Efficient, Bed Census Summary (BCS)
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This indicator measures the percentage of long-stay home care patients who say they have fallen in the last 90 days. A lower percentage is better.
Home Care, Outcome, Patient Safety and Never Events, Safe, Home Care Reporting System (HCRS)
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This indicator measures the percentage of long-stay home care patients who didn’t have a pressure ulcer or had a stage 1 pressure ulcer on their previous assessment that developed a stage 2 to 4 pressure ulcer by their target assessment. A lower percentage is better.
Home Care, Outcome, Patient Safety and Never Events, Safe, Home Care Reporting System (HCRS)
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This indicator measures the percentage of long-stay home care patients who either developed a new problem with bladder function, or whose bladder function worsened or did not improve since their previous assessment. A lower percentage is better.
Home Care, Outcome, Other, Effective, Home Care Reporting System (HCRS)
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