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This indicator measures the percentage of people in Ontario aged 16 and older who reported having a family doctor, a general practitioner or GP, or nurse practitioner that they see for regular check-ups, when they get sick and so on. A higher percentage is better.
Primary Care, Outcome, Access, Patient Reported Measures, Patient-centred, Timely, Health Care Experience Survey (HCES)
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This indicator measures the percentage of people aged 16 and older who reported that they reviewed or discussed the prescription medication(s) they are using with their primary care provider (i.e. a family doctor, a general practitioner or a nurse practitioner).
Primary Care, Process, Patient Safety and Never Events, Patient-centred, Safe, Health Care Experience Survey (HCES)
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This indicator measures the percentage of Ontario screen-eligible individuals, 50-74 years old, who were overdue for colorectal screening in each calendar year. Overdue is  defined as not having any of the following:

- Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) in the last 2 years

- Colonoscopy in the last 10 years

- Flexible sigmoidoscopy in the last 10 years

A lower percentage is better.

Primary Care, Outcome, Population Health, Prevention / Screening, Effective, Timely, Colonoscopy Interim Reporting Tool (CIRT), Laboratory Reporting Tool (LRT), Ontario Cancer Registry (OCR), Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) Claims History Database, PCCF+ version 5k6A, Registered Persons Database (RPDB)
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This indicator measures the percentage of people in Ontario aged 16 and older who reported that their primary care provider (i.e.a family doctor, a general practitioner or GP, or nurse practitioner)  always or often involves them as much as they want in decisions about their care and treatment. A higher percentage is better.
Primary Care, Process, Patient Reported Measures, Patient-centred, Health Care Experience Survey (HCES)
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This indicator measures the percentage of people in Ontario aged 16 and older who reported that  in the last 12 months when they were sick or were concerned that they had a health problem they were able to see their primary care provider (i.e. a family doctor, a general practitioner or GP, or nurse practitioner)  or someone else in their office  the same day or the next day (in less than 2 days)

The results can be reported for 2-3 days;  4-7 days and 8 or more days.

Primary Care, Process, Patient Reported Measures, Timely, Health Care Experience Survey (HCES)
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