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Total number of discharged patients for whom a best possible medication discharge plan was created as a proportion of the total number of patients discharged.
Acute Care/Hospital, Outcome, Patient Safety and Never Events, Effective, Local data collection
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This indicator measures the number of reported workplace violence incidents by hospital workers (as defined by OHSA) within a 12 month period.
Acute Care/Hospital, Outcome, Other, Safe, Local data collection
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This indicator measures the percentage of discharged patients who responded positively to the following question: Did you receive enough information from hospital staff about what to do if you were worried about your condition or treatment after you left the hospital?
Acute Care/Hospital, Outcome, Patient Reported Measures, Readmission, Patient-centred, Canadian Patient Experiences Survey-Inpatient Care (CPES-IC)
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This indicator measures the percentage of complaints received by a long-term care home, that were acknowledged to the individual who made a complaint. This indicator is calculated based on the number of complaints received within the reporting period.  
Long Term Care, Outcome, Patient Relations, Patient-centred, Local data collection
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This indicator measures the percentage of complaints received by LHIN home and community care that were acknowledged to the individual who made a complaint. This indicator is calculated on the number of complaints received within the reporting period.  
Home Care, Outcome, Patient Relations, Patient-centred, Local data collection
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