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This indicator measures the Rate of deaths by suicide per 100,000 people
Other, Outcome, Mental Health and Addiction, Population Health, Effective, Registered Persons Database (RPDB), Vital Statistics, Birth and Death Databases
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Percentage of the population aged 12 and older who rated their mental health as excellent/very good, good, and fair/poor. 
Other, Outcome, Mental Health and Addiction, Population Health, Patient-centred, Canadian Community Heath Survey (CCHS)
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The percentage of people 16 and older who reported in a survey that their primary care provider seemed up-to-date about their hospitalization, among those who had a primary care provider and were admitted to hospital in the previous 12 months
Other, Outcome, Integration, Effective, Health Care Experience Survey (HCES)
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This indicator measures the percentage of people aged 12 and older who report currently smoking cigarettes (daily or occasionally). A lower percentage is better. 
Other, Outcome, Population Health, Patient-centred, Canadian Community Heath Survey (CCHS)
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This indicator measures the percentage of people aged 12 and older who report currently smoking cigarettes (daily or occasionally). A lower percentage is better.
Other, Outcome, Population Health, Patient-centred, Canadian Community Heath Survey (CCHS)
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