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This indicator measures the percentage of residents who had a benzodiazepine dispensed for at least 90 continuous days measured from the last date of contact in the reporting period.
Long Term Care, Outcome, Other, Patient-centred, Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB), Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) Claims History Database, Ontario Mental Health Reporting System (OMHRS), Physician Database (IPDB), Registered Persons Database (RPDB)
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This time represents the average wait time, in days, from when the patient and surgeon decides to proceed with surgery to having the surgery completed.  The average time Wait 2 represents the typical time patients can expect to wait for the surgery to be completed.  The average wait time is reported by the priority level with the most patients.  Patients are assigned a priority level for their surgery by the physician based on clinical evidence.  In this case, the lower the number of days, the better.

Acute Care/Hospital, Process, Wait Times, Timely, Wait Time Information System (WTIS)
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Average Time (Days) Wait 1: This time represents the average wait time, in days, from when the surgeon or central intake centre receives the referral to the patient having the first appointment with the surgeon.  The average time Wait 1 represents the typical time patients could expect to wait for the first appointment with the surgeon.  The average wait time is reported by the priority level with the most patients. Patients are assigned a priority level for their appointment by the physician based on clinical evidence.  In this case, the lower the number of days, the better.

Acute Care/Hospital, Process, Access, Wait Times, Timely, Wait Time Information System (WTIS)
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This indicator measures average time elapsed from triage or registration (whichever is earlier) to initial assessment by a doctor, nurse-practitioner or dentist for all patients in the emergency department. 

Acute Care/Hospital, Process, Wait Times, Timely, National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS)
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This time represents the average wait time, in days, from when the diagnostic imaging scan was ordered to having the scan completed.  The average time represents the typical time patients can expect to wait for the scan to be completed.  The average wait time is reported by the priority level with the most patients.  Patients are assigned a priority level for their scan by the physician based on clinical evidence.  In this case, the lower the number of days, the better.

Acute Care/Hospital, Process, Wait Times, Timely, Wait Time Information System (WTIS)
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