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This indicator measures the rate of mental health or addiction episodes of care that are followed within 30 days by another mental health and addiction admission.
Acute Care/Hospital, Outcome, Mental Health and Addiction, Effective, Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), Ontario Mental Health Reporting System (OMHRS), Registered Persons Database (RPDB)
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This indicator measures the percentage of total primary hip/knee replacement surgical patients with antibiotic administration that starts an appropriate time prior to skin incision and is fully infused before the surgery begins. A higher rate is associated with better performance.
Acute Care/Hospital, Process, Patient Safety and Never Events, Safe, Self-Reporting Initiative (SRI)
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This indicator measures number of individuals for whom the emergency department was the first point of contact for mental health and addictions care per 100 population aged 0 to 105 years with an incident MHA-related ED visit.
Other, Process, Mental Health and Addiction, Timely, CHC (Community Health Centre), Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS), Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) Claims History Database, Ontario Mental Health Reporting System (OMHRS), PCCF (Statistics Canada’s Postal Code Conversion File), Registered Persons Database (RPDB)
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Adjusted and unadjusted rate of urgent ED visits measured as level 1-3 on CTAS per 1,000 patients
Acute Care/Hospital, Primary Care, Outcome, Access, Effective, National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS)
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Adjusted and unadjusted rate of ED visits measured as level 1-5 on the Canadian Triage Acuity Scale (CTAS) per 1,000 patients
Acute Care/Hospital, Primary Care, Outcome, Access, Effective, National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS)
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