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Home Care Client Satisfaction
Alternate Name
Home care clients who were satisfied with their coordination and service providers

This is the percentage of publicly funded home care clients, of all ages, who rated their home care coordination and service provider(s) as excellent, very good, good, fair or poor.

Indicator Status
HQO Reporting tool/product
On-Line Public Reporting, Public Reports (annual report, bulletins and theme reports), Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs)
Unit of Measurement
Calculation Methods

Numerator divided by denominator times 100

Numerator including inclusion/exclusion

The number of responses ("excellent", "very good", "good", "fair", "poor") registered for each of the three questions that form the KPI 1 Score for the overall experience rating:

Question 4: Overall how would you rate the services that you received from your LHIN and any of the individuals who provided care to you?

Question 24: Overall, how would you rate the management and handling of your care by your case manager?

Question 39: Overall how would you rate the x service provided by y (where x is any of: nursing, personal support, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nutrition/dietetics, speech and language, or social work and y is the name of the service provider)?

The sum of the weighted responses are used. Post-sample weighting is applied to adjust for disproportionate sampling and to ensure that the reported survey results are representative of the actual population served by the LHIN.

Denominator including inclusion/exclusion

The number of total responses to the three questions comprising KPI 1 minus the total number of responses not applicable to these questions.


General Survey Inclusion Criteria:

All unique active or discharged clients receiving in-home services and discharged clients to placement in one of the following categories during the specified time period:

  • admission final
  • withdrawn, interim became final
  • withdrawn, placement by other LHIN
  • refused bed.


General Survey Exclusion Criteria:

1. Excludes clients who received in-school service only

2. Nursing clinic services

3. Respite services

4. Medical supplies and equipment

5. End-of-life clients(SRC 95)

6. Clients not yet categorized (SRC 99)

7. In-home clients classified as out of region

8. Convalescent care clients

Other exclusions: Home care clients with hospital or death discharges; clients on hold in hospital; clients with a claim against the LHIN or before the Ontario Health Services Appeal and Review Board.

Question specific exclusion criteria: Respondents are excluded if they did not know the case manager or have not seen or spoken to the case manager, do not recall the in-home service, or were surveyed about placement services.

Adjustment (risk, age/sex standardization)- detailed
Results are weighted to reflect the population of home care clients eligible to be surveyed within each LHIN (i.e., sampled home care clients are standardized to the LHIN-specific population).
Data Source
Client and Caregiver Experience Evaluation (CCEE) Survey
Data provided to HQO by
Health Shared Services Ontario (HSSO)
Reported Levels of comparability /stratifications (defined)
Region, Time
Indicator Results
Caveats and Limitations
Several types of home care clients and services are excluded (e.g. end-of-life clients, respite services, nursing clinic services), suggesting these results cannot be widely applied to all home care clients and all home care services. Caregivers were surveyed in place of clients in the event any of the following criteria were met: 1) Client is <19 years of age at time of sample selection 2) Client is identified as cognitively incapable 3) Client is discharged from placement with one of the four discharge dispositions listed under the General Survey Inclusion Criteria Surveying may be done while a person is still a home care client. They may feel like they cannot respond honestly because of risk to their services. This is mitigated by the survey not being conducted by the provider.
Comments Detailed
** This indicator is retired for 2020/21 QIP ** This is a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) priority indicator for 2018/19 . To access your organization's data for the reporting period, refer to Health Quality Ontario's QIP Navigator. Alternatively, to access your organization's data for this indicator, refer to the NRC Canada eReports website.
The term "client" is used in public reporting and QIPs to denote an individual who received home care services. Other organizations may use the term "patient". Both terms refer to the same home care recipients.
Home Care
Patient Reported Measures
Client and Caregiver Experience Evaluation (CCEE) Survey
Publish Datetime
20/12/2019 15:30:00