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7-day post-hospital discharge follow-up rate for selected conditions (Retired)
Alternate Name
7-day post-hospital discharge follow-up rate for selected conditions

Percentage of patients or clients who see their primary care provider within 7 days after discharge from hospital for selected conditions.

The percent of enrolled patients with an acute inpatient hospital stay for:

  • Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI)

  • Cardiac Conditions

  • Congestive heart failure (CHF)

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

  • Pneumonia

  • Diabetes

  • Stroke

  • Gastrointestinal Disease

Indicator Status
HQO Reporting tool/product
Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs)
Unit of Measurement
Calculation Methods
The percentage is calculated as: numerator divided by denominator times 100.
Numerator including inclusion/exclusion

Total number of rostered patients with primary care visit post acute discharge in a given time period. Selected conditions (select HIGS) are: AMI, stroke, COPD, pneumonia, congestive heart failure, diabetes, cardiac conditions and gastrointestinal disorders.

Selected conditions (select HIGS) are: AMI, stroke, COPD, pneumonia, congestive heart failure, diabetes, cardiac conditions and gastrointestinal disorders.



  • A physician visit is counted if there is a service claim billed by any primary care physician in the group that the patient is enrolled within 0 to 7 days of their discharge from hospital.

  • Includes patients rostered at the time of discharge to an Ontario physician in a primary care practice model. Follow up is restricted to professional services provided by any general practitioner, family physician, geriatrician or pediatrician in the practice group to which the patient is rostered. Does not include telephone calls to patients, visits to the family physician in ED, or visits to other non-physician providers.


  • Hospital discharge records with missing or invalid discharge date, admission date, health number, age and gender.
  • Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) claims that are negated, duplicates, physician claims from laboratory groups, and claims paid by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB).


Identify enrolled patients with primary care visit within 7 days of discharge to any physician in the group they are enrolled with:

1. Link discharge records for enrolled patient (see denominator) to the Claims History Database on health number to find services billed by an Ontario primary care physician where the service date of the claim is within 7 days of the hospital discharge date. Negated claims, duplicate claims and lab claims are excluded.

2. For clients with services, determine if the billing physician is in the group the patient is rostered to:

a. Link the records of OHIP services 7 days after discharge to the Corporate Provider Database (CPDB) on the billing number of the physician who provided the service.

b. Extract the group membership(s) for that physician and verify if it matches the group number on the patient’s enrollment record.

c. Patients have a visit within 7 days if they have at least one service from a physician in the group that they were enrolled with at the time of discharge.

Denominator including inclusion/exclusion

Total number rostered patients discharged from hospital (select HIGs) in a given time period.


  • Acute inpatients in the specified HBAM Inpatient Grouper (HIGs) enrolled with a primary care physician at the time of discharge.
  • Cases that are typical, transfer in, short stay, long stay or long stay transfer in per the HIG atypical indicator (i.e. the HIG atypical indicator must be ‘00’, ‘01’, ‘09’, ‘10’, ‘11’); 3. Included ages are cohort specific: a) patients ≥ 45 for acute myocardial infarction (AMI), stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congestive heart failure (CHF); b) patients ≥ 40 for cardiac HIGs, c) all ages for pneumonia, diabetes, and gastrointestinal (GI).

HIG         HIG description

Acute Myocardial Infarction (Age ≥ 45)

193a                Myocardial Infarction/Shock/Arrest with Coronary Angiogram

193b                Myocardial Infarction/Shock/Arrest with Coronary Angiogram with Comorbid

Cardiac Conditions

194a                Myocardial Infarction/Shock/Arrest without Coronary Angiogram

194b                Myocardial Infarction/Shock/Arrest without Coronary Angiogram with Comorbid Cardiac Conditions

Stroke (Age ≥ 45)

25                    Hemorrhagic Event of Central Nervous System

26                    Ischemic Event of Central Nervous System

28                    Unspecified Stroke

COPD (Age ≥ 45)

139c               Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease with Lower Respiratory Infection

139d               Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease without Lower Respiratory Infection

Pneumonia (All ages)

136                 Bacterial Pneumonia

138                 Viral/Unspecified Pneumonia

143                 Disease of Pleura

Congestive Heart Failure (Age 45)

196                Heart Failure without Cardiac Catheter

Diabetes (All ages)

437a              Diabetes, Other

437b              Diabetes with renal complications

437c              Diabetes with ophthalmic, neurological, or circulatory complications

437d              Diabetes with multiple complications

Cardiac CMGs (Age ≥ 40)

202               Arrhythmia without Coronary Angiogram

204a             Unstable Angina/Atherosclerotic Heart Disease without Coronary Angiogram

204b             Unstable Angina/Atherosclerotic Heart Disease without Coronary Angiogram with Comorbid Cardiac Conditions

208a             Angina (except Unstable)/Chest Pain without Coronary Angiogram

208b            Angina (except Unstable)/Chest Pain without Coronary Angiogram with Comorbid Cardiac Conditions

Gastrointestinal HIGs (All ages)

231               Minor Upper Gastrointestinal Intervention

248               Severe Enteritis

251               Complicated Ulcer

253               Inflammatory Bowel Disease

254              Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage

255              Gastrointestinal Obstruction

256              Esophagitis/Gastritis/Miscellaneous Digestive Disease

257              Symptom/Sign of Digestive System

258              Other Gastrointestinal Disorder

285              Cirrhosis/Alcoholic Hepatitis

286              Liver Disease except Cirrhosis/Malignancy

287              Disorder of Pancreas except Malignancy

288              Disorder of Biliary Tract


  • DAD records with missing valid data on admission/discharge date, health number, age and gender; deaths; transfers, patient sign-outs against medical advice and discharge destinations of acute, ambulatory, day surgery, ER and palliative care settings. Negated OHIP claims, duplicate claims and lab claims are also excluded. 

Data Source
Client Agency Program Data (CAPE), Corporate Provider Database (CPDB), Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) Claims History Database
Data provided to HQO by
In-house data collection
Reported Levels of comparability /stratifications (defined)
Institution, Region, Time
Caveats and Limitations
Not measured consistently across primary care organizations
Comments Detailed
This is a QIP priority indicator for 2017/18. QIP Current performance reporting period: April - March the following year Primary care organizations with rostered patients will be able to access data on the Ministry’s Health Data Branch Web Portal ( Click on ‘Primary Care’ then ‘Quality Improvement Plan’. Contact to obtain a username and password if you do not already have one. Any CHCs, AHACs and nurse practitioner-led clinics that have signed up for AOHC ICES practice profiles should contact Jennifer Rayner at The methods used to calculate the measure differ for patient enrollment models and for CHCs, AHACs and nurse practitioner–led clinics. This results in slight differences in the definition of the population included in the numerator and denominator. This indicator is included in the Primary Care Performance Measurement Framework The methods used to calculate the measure differ for patient enrollment models and for CHCs, AHACs and nurse practitioner–led clinics. This results in slight differences in the definition of the population included in the numerator and denominator. This indicator is included in the Primary Care Performance Measurement Framework (
Primary Care
Client Agency Program Data (CAPE), Corporate Provider Database (CPDB), Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) Claims History Database
Publish Datetime
20/03/2019 13:25:00