Numerator / denominator x 100%
Percent acknowledged within five business days = Number of complaints acknowledged within five business days divided by the total number of complaints received in the reporting period.
To ensure a standardized approach to measurement, hospitals will now be asked to provide their numerator and denominator in the QIP workplan; QIP Navigator will calculate the percentage.
All complaints received by the hospital within the reporting period
Inclusion Criteria:
- Complaints received within the reporting period, but acknowledged and closed in the first 60 days of the following reporting period
- The day and time of complaint should be recorded
- Complaints received on and between the first and last day of the reporting period, including non-business days and after hours
- Repeated complaints on the same issue from the same individual or by a different individual on behalf of the same patient/resident are counted as a single complaint
- One complaint may include numerous issues, but should be counted as a single complaint
- Complaints included must be documented through the established complaints process
- Oral complaints made in person or by phone call
- Written complaints made by letter, email, fax, text, etc.
Exclusion Criteria:
- The complaint is not documented through the established complaints process.
For example:
- Complaints that were acknowledged and resolved immediately after the complaint was received (e.g. changing the temperature in a patient or resident's room)
- The complaint needed no additional intervention