HSMR is a ratio of the actual number of in-hospital deaths in a region or hospital to the number that would have been expected based on the types of patients a region or hospital treats.
Logistic regression
Observed deaths, or actual number of in-hospital deaths that occurred in a hospital or region
Same as for the denominator
Same as for the denominator
Expected deaths, or number of deaths that would have occurred in a hospital or region had the mortality of these patients been the same as the mortality of similar patients across the country, based on the reference year (i.e. FY 2012-2013). Regional and facility HSMR results are based on where patients were treated, not where they lived.
- Discharge between April 1 of a given year and March 31 of the following year.
- Admission to an acute care institution.
- Discharge with diagnosis group of interest (that is, one of the diagnosis groups that account for approximately 80% of in-hospital deaths).
- Age at admission between 29 days and 120 years.
- Sex recorded as male or female.
- Length of stay up to 365 consecutive days.
- Admission category is elective or emergent/urgent.
- Ontario resident.
- Cadavers or stillborns.
- Sign-outs (that is, discharged against medical advice).
- Patients who did not return from a pass.
- Neonates (age of admission less than or equal to 28 days).
- Brain death as most responsible diagnosis code.
- Records with most responsible diagnosis (MRDx) of palliative care (ICD-10-CA: Z51.5).
For each HSMR diagnosis group, the HSMR logistic regression models are fitted with age, sex, length-of-stay (LOS) group, admission category (urgent and elective), comorbidity (Charlson Index Score) group and transfers as independent variables. |