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Percentage of home care patients who have not received an influenza vaccination (retired)
Alternate Name
Percentage of long-stay home care patients who have not received an influenza vaccination in the past two years
This indicator measures the percentage of long-stay home care patients who report they have not been vaccinated for the prevention of influenza in the past two years. A lower percentage is better.
Indicator Status
HQO Reporting tool/product
Public reporting
Unit of Measurement
Calculation Methods
The percentage is calculated as: numerator divided by the denominator times 100
Numerator including inclusion/exclusion

Number of long-stay home care patients who report not having received influenza vaccination within the past two years.

Include in numerator if:

K1b = 0

Where, K1b=Received influenza vaccination during the past two years [0,1] 0=no 1=yes

Denominator including inclusion/exclusion

Number of all long-stay home care patients

Exclusion Criteria

- Home care patients receiving chemotherapy/radiation therapy: exclude if P2f = 1,2 OR P2l =1,2 Where, P2f=Chemotherapy [0, 1, 2, 3] P2l=Radiation [0, 1, 2, 3] 0 = not applicable 1 = scheduled, full adherence as prescribed 2 = scheduled, partial adherence 3 = scheduled, not received

General Exclusion Criteria:

To prevent capturing outcomes that result from the care received outside of the home care settings, assessments are excluded according to the following criteria:

- if case open date is missing (CC1) and Reason for Assessment is Initial Assessment (A2=1): exclude if CC1=missing AND A2=1; OR

- if the assessment took place within 60 days of when the referral was first received/case open date: A1-CC1 < 60; OR

- if assessment was completed in hospital settings (X70 = 2).

Adjustment (risk, age/sex standardization)- detailed
Data Source
Home Care Reporting System (HCRS)
Data provided to HQO by
Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
Indicator Results
Caveats and Limitations
1) Jurisdictions differ in their requirements for RAI-HC assessment frequency, in the process that the data go through for production, and in the regions assessed; therefore, comparison of Ontario results to other jurisdictions should only be made with these limitations noted 2) Only long-stay home care patients receive RAI-HC assessments and are included in the HCRS database (i.e., home care patients who require care for more than 60 days of continuous service). 3) The measure inquires about vaccination in the past two years regardless of how long the individual was considered a long-stay home care patient, so the patient may not have been receiving home care services throughout the two year look-back period. 4) Once a long-stay home care patient is vaccinated for influenza, they are included in the numerator for the next eight quarters, regardless of whether or not they were vaccinated again before the next flu season. 5) The annual result is calculated as a sum of the four quarters, so long-stay home care patients may be included in the numerator and denominator up to four times. 6) Because this is a self-reported measure, recall of vaccination in the past two years can be challenging, particularly for those with cognitive impairment 7) Several other jurisdictions also submit HCRS data to CIHI, but with differing frequency, processes, and coverage, making comparability a challenge See here for more details on some of the limitations: Home Care Reporting System (HCRS) RAI-HC Output Specifications 2016-2017, CIHI.
Comments Detailed
Data are based on information from mandatory Resident Assessment Instrument - Home Care (RAI-HC) assessments. The RAI-HC is a standardized assessment that is completed for long-stay home care patients (those requiring services for at least 60 consecutive days). Assessments are completed at authorization for home care services and at least once every 6 months thereafter. This indicator was jointly developed by interRAI and the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI).
Home Care
Prevention / Screening
Home Care Reporting System (HCRS)
Publish Datetime
15/02/2019 16:34:00