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This indicator measures the percentage of people with diabetes and their families or caregivers who are offered education about how to prevent foot complications, how to monitor for the signs and symptoms of foot complications, and who to contact in the event of a concerning change
Home Care, Process, Other, Effective, Local data collection
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This indicator measures the percentage of people aged 18 and older, with a regular place or doctor for their medical care, who have used a secure website, patient portal, or mobile app to communicate or email their regular provider about a medical question or concern in the previous two years
Other, Process, Patient-centred, Timely, Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey
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This indicator measures the percentage of children and youth who did not receive mental health care from a family doctor, paediatrician or psychiatrist over the preceding two years, among children and youth aged 0 to 24 years  who visited the emergency department for a mental illness or addiction.
Acute Care/Hospital, Community Support Services, Primary Care, Outcome, Mental Health and Addiction, Timely, Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS), Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) Claims History Database, Ontario Mental Health Reporting System (OMHRS), Registered Persons Database (RPDB)
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This indicator measures the percentage of people who did not receive mental health care from a family doctor or psychiatrist over the preceding two years, among people aged 16 and older who visited the emergency department for a mental illness or addiction.

Acute Care/Hospital, Community Support Services, Primary Care, Outcome, Mental Health and Addiction, Timely, Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS), Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) Claims History Database, Ontario Mental Health Reporting System (OMHRS), Registered Persons Database (RPDB)
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This indicator shows the percentage of patients receiving publicly funded home care who had an unplanned visit to the emergency department in the last 30 days of life.

Such visits can be an extremely difficult experience for patients and could indicate they did not receive the care they needed in the community.

A lower percentage is better.

Home Care, Outcome, End-of-life / Palliative, Effective, Home Care Database (HCD), National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS), Registered Persons Database (RPDB)
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