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Percentage of patients and clients who were always or often involved in the care decisions when they saw their doctor or nurse practitioner. 

Primary Care, Outcome, Patient Reported Measures, Patient-centred, Local data collection
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This indicator measures the percentage of people in Ontario aged 16 and older who reported that their primary care provider (i.e.a family doctor, a general practitioner or GP, or nurse practitioner)  always or often involves them as much as they want in decisions about their care and treatment. A higher percentage is better.
Primary Care, Process, Patient Reported Measures, Patient-centred, Health Care Experience Survey (HCES)
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Organizations are expected to measure progress on this indicator using the exact wording of the following patient or client survey questions: Enough time: When you see your doctor or nurse practitioner, how often do they or someone else in the office spend enough time with you?
Primary Care, Outcome, Patient Reported Measures, Patient-centred, In-house data collection
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Rate of unplanned hospital readmission within 30 days of discharge after hospitalization for any of the following conditions: pneumonia, diabetes, stroke, gastrointestinal disease, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart attack and other cardiac conditions (selected HBAM Inpatient Grouper (HIG) conditions). Readmission of patients depends on care received in the hospital, as well as what happens after the patient is discharged.
Primary Care, Outcome, Integration, Readmission, Effective, Discharge Abstract Database (DAD)
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Organizations are expected to measure progress on this indicator using the exact wording of the following patient/client survey question: Ask questions: When you see your doctor or nurse practitioner, how often do they or someone else in the office give you an opportunity to ask questions about recommended treatment?
Primary Care, Outcome, Patient Reported Measures, Patient-centred, In-house data collection
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