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This indicator measures the proportion of deliveries among low-risk women who gave birth in Ontario hospitals by delivery type:

  • caesarean section
  • vaginal delivery
Acute Care/Hospital, Process, Maternal and Child Health, Effective, Safe, BORN Information System (BIS)
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The indicator measures the incidence rate of hospital acquired Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) per 1,000 inpatient days. 
Acute Care/Hospital, Outcome, Patient Safety and Never Events, Safe, Self-Reporting Initiative (SRI)
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Percentage of respondents who responded "yes, definitely" to the following survey question:

"Would you recommend this hospital to family and friends?" A higher percentage is better

Acute Care/Hospital, Outcome, Patient Reported Measures, Patient-centred, Canadian Patient Experiences Survey-Inpatient Care (CPES-IC)
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Percentage of survey respondents who responded “yes, definitely” to the following survey question: "Would you recommend this emergency department to family and friends?" A higher percentage is better.

Acute Care/Hospital, Outcome, Patient Reported Measures, Patient-centred, Emergency Department Patient Experiences of Care (EDPEC)
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This indicator measures the percentage of patients whose emergency department (ED) visit was completed within Ontario's target time. A higher percentage is better. The ED length of stay (LOS) is calculated as the average time interval between the earlier of triage date/time or registration date/time and the date/time when a patient is admitted to the hospital or discharged, transferred, or leaves the ED (non-admitted patients). Provincial targets have been set for the maximum amount of time patients should spend in the ED, waiting and being treated, before being discharged or admitted to the hospital, based on clinical evidence. 
Acute Care/Hospital, Process, Wait Times, Timely, National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS)
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