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This indicator measures the rate of prescriptions for opioids filled for people who have not filled a prescription for opioids in six months, per 10,000 population.
Pharmacy, Outcome, Drugs/Drug Administration, Effective, Narcotics Monitoring System (NMS)
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This indicator measures the percentage of people aged 18 or older who reported being physically inactive, based on the number of minutes of physical activity reported in the last 7 days and indicates they didn’t engage in any moderate or vigorous physical activity that lasted a minimum of 10 continuous minutes in a week. Moderate exercise is defined as an activity that causes a person to breathe harder and sweat at least a little.

A lower percentage is better.

Other, Outcome, Population Health, Patient-centred, Canadian Community Heath Survey (CCHS)
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This indicator measures the percentage of people who are classified as being obese based on adjusted self-reported weight and height. Obesity is measured using body mass index (BMI), based on adjusted self-reported height and weight. For adults 18 years and older, BMI > 30 is considered obese. The lower percentage is better.

Other, Outcome, Population Health, Patient-centred, Canadian Community Heath Survey (CCHS)
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This indicator measures total spending on health care in dollars per person in a given period of time.
Other, Process, Health expenditure, Effective, National Health Expenditure Database (NHEX), OECD Health Statistics
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This indicator measures the percentage of adults (who are 18 and older) with a regular place or doctor for their medical care who have viewed online or downloaded their health information in the last two years
Acute Care/Hospital, Outcome, Access, Patient-centred, Timely, Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey
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